Content interaction system and method - 5 Senses

Patent number: 10101804

Inventors: Chamli Tennakoon, Subhash Chandra, Amit Goenka



This patent proposes a novel approach to creating a unified content system that integrates all five human senses - sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch - into a single or multiple devices. Current content systems typically cater to limited sensory experiences, but the described invention aims to deliver a comprehensive and immersive five-sense content interaction. By overcoming the challenge of establishing communication between disparate sensory technologies, this innovative system promises to revolutionize the way users perceive and interact with content.


The disclosure relates generally to a system and method for interacting with content using the five human senses: touch, smell, sound, sight and taste in which parts of the content interaction system are integrated into a piece of smart furniture.


Humans have six primary senses, each serving a unique purpose in perceiving the environment. However, existing content systems only tap into a subset of these senses, mainly sight and sound. While some systems incorporate smell or taste to enhance the experience, the technology for seamless integration of all five senses into a single or multiple content devices remains elusive. This patent addresses this limitation by presenting a solution to enable unified five-sense content interaction.

The proposed system comprises various components to deliver a unified five-sense content experience:

Visual Perception: The device incorporates cutting-edge display technologies, including high-resolution screens and advanced 3D hologram systems, to deliver crystal-clear visual content. This component ensures that users can perceive content with unparalleled clarity and detail.

Auditory Perception: High-fidelity speakers or advanced headphone systems are integrated to produce immersive soundscapes. The invention includes sophisticated audio processing algorithms to deliver surround sound and dynamic audio effects, enhancing the overall content experience.

Olfactory Perception: The system incorporates an scents-generation mechanism capable of releasing scents relevant to the content being experienced. This component ensures that users can smell and associate fragrances with specific events or scenes, adding a new dimension to the content interaction.

Gustatory Perception: The invention includes a taste simulation system that delivers specific tastes corresponding to the content being consumed. By employing safe and FDA-approved chemicals, the 3D food printer use edible materials to create three-dimensional food items based on digital designs and can replicate different flavors.

Tactile Perception: The device integrates haptic feedback technologies, such as vibration modules and force sensors, to simulate tactile sensations. Users can feel physical interactions within the content, providing a heightened sense of presence and immersion.

Communication and Synchronization: The most significant challenge addressed by this patent is the establishment of seamless communication and synchronization between the various sensory components. Advanced software and hardware protocols are employed to ensure that all sensory inputs are coordinated in real-time, creating a coherent and unified five-sense experience.

Our smart furniture solution goes beyond traditional sensory experiences, offering a holistic and unified approach to content interaction. Users can now fully immerse themselves in movies, music, games, and more, engaging all their senses for a truly captivating experience.

Furthermore, our smart furniture is designed with versatility and customization in mind. Users can personalize their interactions by adjusting sensory settings, creating tailored experiences that cater to their preferences and mood. With modular components, users have the flexibility to integrate various sensory modules and customize their furniture setup according to their needs.


This patent introduces a groundbreaking technology that enables a unified five-sense content experience, addressing the limitations of current content systems. By integrating all five human senses into a single device and establishing seamless communication between disparate sensory technologies, this invention has the potential to redefine how humans interact with and perceive digital content.

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